I - 1983 - Chicago - "Came to Believe"
II - 1984 - Decatur - "There is a Solution"
III - 1985 - Rockford - "A Vision for You"
IV - 1986 - Chicago - "Let's Keep Growing"
V - 1987 - Springfield - "Free to be You and Me"
VI - 1988 - Naperville - "Pass it On"
VII - 1989 - South Suburbs - "Keeping in Step"
VIII - 1990 - Bloomington - "Plant the Seed"
IX - 1991 - Palatine - "Acceptance is the Answer"
X - 1992 - Decatur - "Create the Fellowship you Crave"
XI - 1993 - Mt Vernon - "Of Which we had not Even Dreamed"
XII - 1994 - Rockford - "Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny"
XIII - 1995 - Peoria - "It's Not the Destination, it's the Journey"
XIV - 1996 - Joliet - "On the Road to a New Freedom"
XV - 1997 - Bloomington - "Rarely Have we Seen a Person Fail Who Has Thoroughly Followed our Path"
XVI - 1998 - Quad Cities - "You Will Commence Shoulder to Shoulder our Common Journey"
XVII - 1999 - Chicago - "We are Responsible"
XVIII - 2000 - Decatur - "This is an Experience You Must Not Miss"
XIX - 2001 - Chicago - "The Keys to the Kingdom"
XX - 2002 - Bloomington - "Carrying the Message"
XXI - 2003 - Champaign - "Thus we Grow"
XXII - 2004 - Peoria - "Movin On"
XXIII - 2005 - Quad Cities - "We Shall Be With You in the Fellowship of the Spirit"
XXIV - 2006 - Chicago - "How Dark It Is Before The Dawn"
XXV - 2007 - Bloomington - "And you Will Surely Meet Some of us as you Trudge the Road to Happy Destiny"
XXVI - 2008 - Crystal Lake - "We Have to Live It"
XXVII - 2009 - Decatur - "The Key to Life"
XXVIII - 2010 - Rockford - "Carry the Message"
XXIX - 2011 - Elgin - "The Fellowship You Crave"
XXX - 2012 - Quad Cities - "Over the Bridge of Reason"
XXXI - 2013 - Northwest Suburbs - "The Age of Miracles is Still With Us"
XXXII - 2014 - Champaign - "Give Freely What you Find and Join Us"
XXXIII - 2015 - West Suburbs - "A New World Came Into View"
XXXIV - 2016 - Bloomington Normal - "You Can Help When No One Else Can"
XXXV - 2017 - Northern Illinois - "Life Will Take on New Meaning"
XXXVI - 2018 - Springfield - "The Effect Was Electric"
XXXVII - 2019 - Des Plaines - "An Experience You Must Not Miss"
XXXVIII - 2021 - Metro East St. Louis* - "Flight: A Spiritual Liberation From This World"
XXXIX - 2022 - Southwest Suburbs - "Rediscover Life"
XL - 2023 - Chicago - "The Fellowship You Crave"
XLI - 2024 - Southern Illinois - "Wrecked in the Same Vessel"
*Virtual Conference